Friday, December 28, 2012

A Free Chat Line--The Perfect Solution For Boredom!

Let's tell the truth here. Almost everyone in the world has gone through some financial hard times. It's practically universal. So if you happen to be going through that right now, we understand.

It's also a common thing to be sick and tired of depriving yourself of having fun when you're broke. Unfortunately, you don't have a lot (or any) money to spend to entertain yourself, so what is there to do? TV gets old after awhile and so does the Internet. You don't have the money for gas to go visit friends, so what can you do?

Why not branch out a little and call our free chat line? There are always friends available for you to talk to 24/7.

It is, after all, 100% free, so you've got nothing to lose but maybe a little bit of your time. And you've got way too much of that on your hands if you're bored on a Saturday night.

Who knows who you might meet on the telephone chat line? You can find people to commiserate with, people to make you laugh, and people to help you forget your problems temporarily. And the best is, it's all free!

Why not give the free chatline a try? It can't hurt, right?


Friday, December 21, 2012

We Party All The Time On The ChatHerBox Party Line!

Everyone needs friends. No man is an island, after all, as the old saying goes.

But if you've just moved to a new place, or if your current friends have all moved away from your old place, then what are you to do?

Don't despair, your friends at ChatHerBox can help!

Our free party line is absolutely the best place to meet tons of new people, all over the country. We have people of all ages, genders, shapes, colors, and interests. They're looking to make friends just like you, so why not call in and meet some of them? We're sure they'll be awfully glad to have you join in the chat.

Each person calling our chatline brings his or her own unique perspective to it, and that's what we want. We welcome a wide range of viewpoints because it improves the diversity of the chat line. Everyone is there looking for an interesting conversation, and the greater the diversity of the chat, the more likely it is that each user will have the interesting conversation that he or she desires.

Ready to give our live adult chat a try? Ready to make some new friends? Give us a call at the number below!


Friday, December 14, 2012

Free Phone Dating Is The Best Phone Dating!

Everybody needs somebody, and some of us need several somebodies. Unfortunately, dating can be a huge hassle with no guarantee of a payoff at the end of the whole ordeal. And that's only ONE of the reasons it sucks so badly!

But here at ChatHerBox, the free chat line, we've done our best to make it as easy and painless for you as possible. Our chat line gathers together people from all over the country in one place--people just like you who are looking for the same thing you're looking for. That alone makes the whole dating thing a good bit easier, but there's more to it as well.

Our dating line also offers things like a party line, one-on-one chat, virtual personals ads, and a voicemail system in which you can create your own voicemail mailbox to exchange messages back and forth with other people who use the personals.

And best of all? Our phone dating service is 100% free, all day, every day. So why not grab your phone and dial the number below to give us a try? You'll be glad you did!


Friday, December 7, 2012

A Free Chat Line Is The Best Chatline!

It's getting close to the holidays, and you know what that means. There will probably be quite a few days where cash is short for many people.

But the holidays are no different from any other time when it comes to entertainment. When you're bored, you want something to do. And who can blame you? We here at ChatHerBox believe that everyone should be able to have fun, whether they've got money at the moment or not. That's why our chat line is totally free!

Our free chat line is the perfect thing to keep you entertained through these long, cold, lonely winter nights. The fact that you're not having to spend a dime is just icing on the cake! Talk to other people just like you from all over the country. Don't spend another night all alone with no one to talk to you ever again!

All you have to do is pick up your phone and dial the free chat number below. Once you're connected, choose the menu option that sounds most appealing and have fun!


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Chat Line Menu Options

We here at ChatHerBox know what a pain in the ass it can be to call in and use automated answering services. If you're not sure what the menu options are beforehand, you're likely to miss the relevant one or be unable to find a relevant one at all. Then, you get lost and confused in the quagmire of options until you give up in despair.

But don't worry. That's not going to happen when you call our free adult chat line because we're helpfully laying out the options for you before you ever call in. That way, you can decide what you're looking for before you ever call!

The options are as follows:

1.) One-on-one introductions

2.) The Rumba Room free party line

3.) Virtual chat

4.) Bulletin boards, where you can browse personals or add your own

5.) Voicemail greetings, where you can listen to others' greetings, create your own voicemail mailbox and greeting to receive voicemails from others, and leave messages for other users

6.) The Quiet Corner, for cooldown

If you get lost or if you just want to go back to the beginning and try a new option when you finish with the old one, you can press the pound key (#) at any time to return to the main menu. Fairly simple, right?

Why not give us a call today for live adult chat and try out one or all of these menu options? You'll be glad you did!


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Chat Line For Gay Guys, Too?

Up until now, we’ve mostly discussed how men who are seeking women to talk to can use our adult chatline. But what about gay and bisexual men who are looking for other men to chat with? Don’t worry, guys, you can find all that you need right here. You might have to dig a little more than the guys who are looking for women, but you can DEFINITELY find other men like you who are hoping to find like-minded gentlemen with whom to chat.

One of the best ways to do this is to browse the personal ads in our virtual bulletin section, which can be accessed by pressing “4″ when you reach the main menu. You may also create your own personal ad, so that similarly-minded men may seek you out as well.

Once you find someone who piques your interest, you may begin live phone chat with him using our various live chat methods, such as the Rumba Room party line and or live one-on-one chat.

So, yes, guys, our chat line can certainly be a gay chat line if you wish it to be. All you have to do is call in to find the man of your dreams!


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What Do Women Want?

When women are asked what it is that they look for in a man, their answer is rarely “a big dick” or “a big wallet” or “a big house” or anything else that requires the superlative “big.” In fact, the most common answer to that question might surprise you!

In fact, what most women want is a man with a good sense of humor who can make them laugh! This is something that is very important to remember when trying to engage in phone dating.

This is something we discussed a little in our post about Impressing A Woman, but we feel that it’s so important that we should mention it yet again.

Now, when we say that ladies want to chat with someone who makes them laugh, we don’t mean that you should act silly or extremely sarcastic because that is just as big a turn-off for most women as a missing sense of humor. You should instead think of the things that you say or do that make your female friends or your sisters or female cousins or even your mother genuinely smile or laugh. Those are the kinds of things you’ll want to do more of in order to appeal to the ladies you’ll meet on our free adult chatline.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What Is A Party Line?

Hi there. Now, you found this free party line website, and some of you have all begun wondering the same thing. That thing is “ust what in the fuck is a party line?” Well, here’s a quick explanation.

Back in the day, party line was shorthand for multi-party phone line. Originally, it started off as a sort of discount service for when phones were new-fangled inventions that were incredibly expensive. Basically, two or more households would all have the same party line number in the same neighborhood, because only rich people had private numbers. So if someone important called for you, you just had to pray the family down the street didn’t answer and totally blow things for you.

Of course, all that changed when private numbers became a more common thing. Eventually, party lines mutated into what they are now, which are mainly free chatlines for people who would rather hear the sound of another person’s voice instead of the cold clicks of their own keyboards.

So that brings us today! ChatHerBox offers a fun and free service for people who wish they could “party” on the phone. And that’s exactly what you can do when you give us a call. Talk to you soon!


Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Saturday Night Line

Ok, so here’s the scenario. It’s Saturday, much like tonight. You’re bored, at home, alone, maybe even on a computer. You wish you had the pleasure of the company of the opposite sex, but you just do not feel like putting on clothes or getting out of your house. I mean, it’s late and you’re comfy. That’s a perfectly respectable reason not to get up and get out, right?

So what do you do to remedy your boredom and possible loneliness? Why not call a free chat line?

An adult chatline, like ChatHerBox, is an ideal way to spend your time. It costs you absolutely nothing (except time, of course, but you’ve got plenty of that), so if your pockets are empty, that’s no obstacle to enjoying yourself from the comfort and privacy of your home.

You can easily chat up a beautiful woman in minutes, and maybe even find something more. Who knows? But one thing is for sure, YOU will never know unless you give it a try. I mean, come on, there are worse things to do on a lonely Saturday night than giving phone dating with a gorgeous girl a try… Am I right?


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Is A Dating Line For Me?

Perhaps you've found our free phone dating website online, and now you're wondering if this whole thing is for you or not. Not to worry. We'll help you figure that out for yourself.

So what kinds of people might a dating line benefit?

~Introverts and other people who don't enjoy the so-called "typical" ways to meet other people

~People who dislike the off-putting nature of chat rooms and other online meeting places and want a less distant alternative

~Those who find it easier to talk on the phone than through text or face-to-face when first meeting someone

~People who have recently relocated to a place where they aren't familiar with the territory or the people

~The newly-single who aren't sure if they're ready for the whole dating thing again, but are ready to venture out, at least tentatively

~Many, many others

Phone dating is an excellent middle ground between detached online interaction (chat rooms, instant messenger, dating websites, etc.) and the often nerve-wracking face-to-face meeting. That's not to say that phone dating will never lead to face-to-face interaction. It just provides a method of meeting people that's neither completely detached nor 100% immediate, and that's what makes it such a good solution for many people.

So why not give our free chatline a try? What do you have to lose, after all?


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Party By Yourself With Chat Line Friends

So let's say you're in the mood for a party, but none of your friends are available. That doesn't mean you should sit at home watching lame TV movies or, heaven forbid, go to bed early. Absolutely not! You can party all by yourself and with friends from all over the world when you call our party line number.

If you're in the party mood, chances are, you aren't the only one on the chat line who is. You'll encounter plenty more people who are in exactly the same mood as you, so why not party with them?

Sure, you're home by yourself, but your party line friends are right there with you. So why shouldn't you enjoy yourself and have a grand old time?

That's the great thing about our phone chat. There are people just like you ready to talk any time of day about anything under the sun.

So why not throw a party on the party line? It's free, after all. It'll be the cheapest party you've ever had!

Give us a call at the number below and get your party on with all your friends at ChatHerBox.


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Keep Your Info Private On The Chat Line

We’ve all heard the old adage “Loose lips sink ships!” It’s a little silly in most circumstances, it’s true, because it’s not very likely the things you say are going to be sinking any battleships anytime soon. However, revealing too much in the wrong situation can lead to catastrophic situations.

First of all, let’s make it clear: We here at Chat Her Box DO NOT collect any private information from you. No credit card numbers, no addresses, nothing. Your phone number is not stored in our system when you call in on the chatline. So if we do not have access to any of your information, then there’s no way that other participants in the phone chat can have it, either, so you need not worry about that.

That means that the only way other callers can have any sensitive information about you is if you personally give it to them.

We strongly advise that you keep all private information private. We want our callers to enjoy our chat line and be safe while they’re doing it. You are not forbidden to share this information, since we do allow phone dating, but we do ask you to use common sense and discretion.

Happy chatting!


Friday, September 28, 2012

Unwind With The Chat Line

So, here is the scenario. You have come home from a hard day at work. Say the customers were just a little too much to handle. Maybe your boss came down on you just a little rougher than usual. Either way, it has been a rough day, and you just wanna have a drink and relax a little.

But you don't wanna go to the bar, with all those uncomfortable stools that hurt your back. Not when you have a cold beer in the fridge and a comfy couch to sit on. But, at the same time, you wanna talk to a girl. What do you do? Well, the easy answer is to call an adult chatline.

Yeah, from the comfort of your own home, with your favorite domestic or imported in your hand, chilled to your specifications, you can engage in live adult chat right over the phone!

No need to worry if your bad breath is going to kill the mood. Hell, you don't even have to worry about showering the stink of your rough day off you. You get to plop down, relax, and have fun with other adults on a free party line. Hey, you just can't beat that for a way to unwind, am I right?


Friday, September 21, 2012

Making Friends On The Free Chat Line

Our last several posts have been about phone dating, and why not? It's an excellent way to meet new people and expand your horizons, especially if you are stuck in an area where you don't know anyone or where you already know *everyone*. But since we've already said quite a bit about it in the past, that's not going to be our topic for discussion today.

Instead, let's talk about how you can use the chat line in a non-romantic way, shall we?

Many people aren't looking for a date or a relationship, but they like to call in on the chat line, anyway. Why? Because there's plenty more you can do on it besides one-on-one "serious" chat. Like what, you ask? Like our chat line lobby, the Rumba Room!

The Rumba Room is a free party line. That means there area always plenty of people around to talk to you and keep you entertained. You can make quite a few friends this way, so if that's what you're looking to do, why not call into our chat line and give the party line area a call?


Friday, September 14, 2012

So How Does The Chatline Work?

This image, by Verbotomy, describes how many of us feel about automated answering services!

So in an effort to make calling in to our free chat line a little easier, we've created this little guide to the menu options. We hope it helps you and makes your experience both easier and more enjoyable!

Please note, you must be at least 18 years old to call this chat line!

When you call into the system, you will hear an automated greeting. Then, you'll hear a list of menu options.

The options are as follows:

1.) One-on-one introductions

2.) The Rumba Room free party line

3.) Virtual chat

4.) Bulletin boards, where you can browse personals on our dating line or add your own personal for others to find

5.) Voicemail greetings, where you can listen to others' greetings, create your own voicemail mailbox and greeting to receive voicemails from others, and leave messages for other users

6.) The Quiet Corner, for cooldown

Choose the number of the option you want to try. If you get lost, you can press the pound key (#) at any time to return to the main menu. Additionally, if you want to try out multiple methods of using the chat line, you can press pound to get back to the main menu to try out another option once you've finished with the first one.

We hope that clarifies some of the options you will be presented with when you call in on our adult chatline, and we hope to hear from you soon!


Friday, September 7, 2012

Placing An Attractive Personals Ad

As we've stated before, our chat line is not just for live chat. Live chat is certainly an option if that's what you're looking for, but it's far from being the only option we offer here at ChatHerBox.

One of our most popular options is the virtual bulletin board, where you can listen to other people's personal ads or place your own. This, used in conjunction with our voicemail system, is an excellent way to meet new people.

But how can you distinguish yourself amongst all the others? What's the best kind of personal ad you can place that will get the attention of the kind of person you hope to attract?

First of all, be honest about what you're looking for. There are all types of people using our free adult chat line, so there is surely at least one person out there who's looking for the same thing that you are. Telling the truth about your motivations for placing your ad ensures that no one's time gets wasted, including your own.

Secondly, tell us a little about yourself. Why should someone consider you above the other ads he or she listens to? Tell us something interesting about you that makes you stand out.

Thirdly, make sure your sense of humor and conversational skills really stand out. Be yourself, but be the best self you can be in order to get the best responses you can on our free party line.

Come on and give it a try! Just call up our free chat number now to place your personal ad and listen to other people's ads!


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Meet New Friends On The Free Chatline

Everyone needs friends. No man is an island, after all, as the old saying goes.

But if you've just moved to a new place, or if your current friends have all moved away from your old place, then what are you to do?

Don't despair, your friends at ChatHerBox can help!

Our free party line is absolutely the best place to meet tons of new people, all over the country. We have people of all ages, genders, shapes, colors, and interests. They're looking to make friends just like you, so why not call in and meet some of them? We're sure they'll be awfully glad to have you join in the chat.

Each person calling our chatline brings his or her own unique perspective to it, and that's what we want. We welcome a wide range of viewpoints because it improves the diversity of the chat line. Everyone is there looking for an interesting conversation, and the greater the diversity of the chat, the more likely it is that each user will have the interesting conversation that he or she desires.

Ready to give our live adult chat a try? Ready to make some new friends? Give us a call at the number below!


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Shy? Try The Chatline For Phone Dating

Dating can be hard. It's even harder when it's a blind date, say, set up between mutual friends or even if you're meeting someone face-to-face whom you found online. It's a tricky proposition, no matter how you approach it.

Luckily, the dating line at ChatHerBox can help make the nerve-wracking activity of dating a little easier.

If you find face-to-face meeting too anxiety-inducing but are unsatisfied with the distance of online meet-ups, then phone dating may be just the thing for you. It offers the perfect middle ground between the cold, clinical detachment of a chat room and the uncomfortable awkwardness of face-to-face meet-ups.

That's not to say that if you meet a fantastic person that your relationship must remain strictly over the phone. That's definitely not the case! The chat line is merely there to facilitate meetings, not to direct how any future relationship that may spring from it may go!

If you think this whole phone dating thing sounds like something you'd enjoy, why not give it a shot? It is free, after all. You've got nothing to lose but a little time...and you've got plenty of that, anyway, right?


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Fun Way To Use Your Phone

Hi there. I am gonna tell you about a use for your phone that you might have forgotten about. Before it was used for playing solitaire, drawing things, launching pissed off birds at pork, or even typing messages, did you know that you could actually talk with people with your mouth? Crazy, huh? But it's true! Even better, if you call our free chat number, you can talk to all sorts of people in an instant!

A phone chat is a great way to see what your compatibility with a person is without all the hassle of worrying if you misspelled a word, or all that miserable typing.

Better yet, a conversation that would last an hour with all that pesky typing and reading could be had in mere minutes through talking in a free telephone chat line! Doesn't that sound like a better use of your time? And, when you are finished talking on a chat line, all you have to do is say bye and hang up!

So what are you waiting for, an engraved invitation? Get on your phones right now, and use them like it's old school!


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Free Chatline: Your Go-To For All Things Fun

In a day and age when there's "entertainment" everywhere you turn, it sure seems like quality has been sacrificed for quantity. All these "entertainments" just don't seem very...well...entertaining a lot of the time, do they?

If your life has been lacking that special spark, then we've got just the thing for you. Why not try out our phone chat line for something a little different?

The good news is, it's totally free. Yep, seriously. It's a free chatline designed specifically for people like you who are looking for a good time and not finding anywhere else. We are the last refuge of the bored, the lonely, and the fun-seeking.

You can find all kinds of different people to talk to in our main lobby. It's like a party line, in that you can talk to lots of folks and listen in on many different conversations at once. So if one conversation bores you, it's easy to move on to another that doesn't.

No one should have to go through life bored and lonely, and that includes you. So what are you waiting for? Grab your phone and call us here at ChatHerBox right now!


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Too Shy For Live Chat?

You've already heard about our live adult chat options--and there are some excellent ones. But what are you to do if you're one of those people who's a little too shy to try out the live chat options? Don't despair, shy people. We here at ChatHerBox have options for you as well if you want to get in on the action.

We have a virtual bulletin board where you can listen to recorded personal ads other people have posted, and you can post your own as well. We've also got a voicemail service that allows you to leave messages for other users, say in response to their bulletin board ads. You can also set up your own voicemail box to receive messages.

If you're too shy to talk to people live, these are excellent ways for you to meet and talk to people and begin your phone dating experience without the worry of having to talk to numerous people live on the party line.

If, however, you do connect with someone, you still have the option of chatting live with that person in one-on-one private chat.

Ready to give it a go? Dial our free chat number below to get started!


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Party Line Time

What up everybody? So glad you're here! Let me talk to you for a minute. I wanna talk about our free party line you can call any time you want. From east coast to west coast, the party is going on. And you know what they say about a west coast party, a west coast party don't stop.

Think about all the potential you have for live adult chat with who knows how many single ladies out there, just waiting to be swept off their feet by a Lothario like you. Ain't nobody expecting the kind of game you are ready to throw down at a moment's notice, with out having to worry about who's looking.

That's right, with our free chat number, you can feel free to get as silly or as serious as you want, cause it is all in the privacy of your own home. How awesome is that? You can grab yourself a beer from the fridge, keep a football game on mute, and have your own private sports bar in your living room, complete with a hottie with a body to talk to over the phone. You just cannot beat that kind of a deal.
